dimecres, 30 de novembre del 2011

Friday! (by Alexis)


 I am fourteen years old.
I am from Aitona. I live in Aitona.
On Friday, I get up at seven o’clock and I have breakfast.
I go to school at nine o’clock  and I go
home at five o’clock.
I have dinner at nine o’clock and I go
to bed at ten o ‘clock.

dimarts, 8 de novembre del 2011

Here we are!

I am Rafael. I am thirteen years old. I am from Seròs. I have got a sister and a brother. I have got brown hair and brown eyes.
I am Abel. I am thirteen years old. I am from Aitona. I have not got a sister and I have not got a brother. I have got brown hair and blue eyes.
I am Laura. I am twelve years old. I am from Aitona. I have got a brother and a sister. I have got brown hair and brown eyes.
I am Alexis. I am fourteen years old. I am from Aitona. I have got brown hair and brown eyes. I have not got a sister. I have got a brother.

dijous, 3 de novembre del 2011

Introduce yourself (Abel)

2011-12 INS SERÒS IDIOMES - Abel my favourite ... - eSnips

Hello, my name is Abel. My favourite teacher is Josep Maria. My favourite tennis player is Rafa Nadal. My favourite footballer is Leo Messi.